宝山中环金茂府官方网站 | 官方售楼处发布:抢占低密度高端住宅|开发商|舒缓雅居新篇章
【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』从1.0时代地源热泵毛细管网的“会呼吸的房子”,到2.0时代12大科技系统的“会思考的房子”,金茂府在产品力方面一直都是遥遥领先。凭借过硬的产品力,让大宁金茂府、西郊金茂府等科技住宅成为区域内改善天花板的同时,也让金茂府的品牌能力成为行业内的佼佼者~近日,金茂府3.0“自然生长的社区”华东首作——中环金茂府首开入市,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!引爆市场!实景图附现场实景:【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!黄金中环 南大智慧城金茂府科技住宅3.0「中环金茂府」二期建面约100-168-193-228㎡3-4房共164套房源第六批次已入市均价6.8万/㎡100&168平样板间已开放,线上提前预约【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!全套户型图独家首发:【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!大雄哥看上海楼市,赞5【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!1首个金茂3.0府系科技住宅全面升级金茂独有的科技住宅专利难以复制,「中环金茂府」站在巨人的肩膀上再次升级!【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!项目实景图,仅供参考升级12大科技系统+5衡系统!众所周知,金茂作为将科技引入住宅领域的研发创新者,12大科技系统一直是金茂府系最大的亮点之一。金茂发布府系3.0,他们对科技系统进行再次升级革新,从“一核四美两配套两服务”九大维度入手,将有15年历史的拳头产品【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!」系产品进行全面升级。带来全面领先于市场的衡温、衡湿、衡氧、衡静、衡净五衡居住体验。衡温:室内四季如春,冬季衡温约20-22°、夏季约24-26°,一套薄被足够衡湿:室内保持约30%-70%人体较舒适的湿度,保护敏感肌、呼吸道健康衡氧:24小时新风过滤,无需开窗、空气过滤入户,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!时刻呼吸更新鲜空气衡净:末端净水处理系统,维护生活用水洁净衡静:系统降噪、隔热,保障业主安静舒适睡好觉示意图,仅供参考「中环金茂府」作为金茂上海府系3.0首作,集最极致的用心、【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!匠心、创新、革新于一体,将为未来业主带来更舒适、更高端的科技人居体验。示意图,仅供参考其中值得一提的毛细管网辐射系统全面升级——实现室内一年四季如春通过地源热泵+全屋毛细管网,使室内常年维持在人体相对舒适的温度【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!不管外面是酷暑还是严寒,家里总是能四季如春。实景示意图,仅供参考新升级的毛细管网不仅铺设于顶层,墙壁内也有铺设,使得温度调节速度更快,更高效。【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!示意图,仅供参考免去铺设地暖的厚度,「中环金茂府」打造出比同级产品更高的层高,层高做到了约3.1米,拥有更开阔的室内空间感。真正高级的配置只有真正入住后才能体验其独有的舒适感!据金茂府老业主说,身为一个慢性鼻炎患者,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!自从住了金茂府,鼻炎再也没复发过,这样一个切实考虑业主健康的开发企业,应该是上海独一份了!升级打造高定奢华会所!作为金茂府系3.0上海首秀作品【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!在公区打造上的创新升级!新增高定会所品质超高配置!打造了建筑面积约1500平的高端下沉式会所。先看看会所实景:项目实景图,仅供参考映入眼帘的高定奢华黑金配色简约大气【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!,宝格丽同款吧台将整个会所的高级感格调拉满!项目实景图,仅供参考项目实景图,仅供参考铜色金属感旋转楼梯梦回《繁花》,这样高格调的会所对标5000w级豪宅社区来看是有过之无不及!项目实景图,仅供参考社区会所内包含室内恒温泳池、健身房、瑜伽房、中央洽谈区及儿童游乐区等休闲运动空间,和大部分开发商会所外包不同,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!金茂府的会所是由物业运营而且不对外开放,更匹配改善客户的私享需求,实力宠粉!项目会所效果图,最终以实际交付为准项目会所效果图,最终以实际交付为准不仅如此,金茂府3.0系“自然生长的社区”为主旨,会所中央打造了下沉式水光庭院,与周边建筑融为一体,原石墙面和【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!乌桕树打造的自然盆景穿插其中,夜幕降临,天光、水光、灯光交相辉映,呈现出浪漫恬静的自然景观氛围。项目会所效果图,最终以实际交付为准升级社区更高审美!金茂府3.0系不仅仅是科技核心升级,「中环金茂府」在社区整体审美以及社交功能上,进行了强势升级!首次引入雅致奢华风格,推出颜值更优、功能更强的“四美社区”【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!。项目效果图,最终以实际交付为准升级立面风格!与以往金茂府新古典主义风格的石材+玻璃立面不同的是,「中环金茂府」的立面更现代化!更符合当下年轻人审美!【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!将采用玻璃窗+铝板+涂料的经典组合,结合精细化的线条和局部设计,形成更简约大气、轻盈柔和、充满格调的高品质时尚立面效果。【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!项目效果图,最终以实际交付为准升级公区景观及园林打造!金茂府3.0产品设计将融入更多高端酒店设计理念,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!从社区入口到入户门庭,贯穿社区一步一景,打造社区高级审美氛围。项目效果图,最终以实际交付为准比如五星级酒店式的归家门头彰显仪式感和尊贵感,「中环金茂府」采用不对称设计美学,并做到了步行与车行入口更高维度人车分流,安全性更强【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!。项目实景图,仅供参考园林打造上注重品质感、度假感的氛围营造,叠水景观+不同高度的植被铺设,社区四季景观异彩纷呈,为每一位步入社区园林的业主提供一场视觉盛宴~【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!项目效果图,最终以实际交付为准升级社交功能丰富性、安全性!「中环金茂府」考虑到社区社交功能属性,在部分栋楼设计了架空层,为全龄人群提供更丰富的社交休闲运动空间,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!家里老人和孩子不出社区就可以散步和玩乐,不仅体现社区功能丰富性,更能保障家人安全。项目效果图,最终以实际交付为准精装细节满分,彰显金茂豪宅基因在样板间门口,看到这次开放的建筑面积约168㎡样板间的户型图之后,你就会第一时间从户型设计上开始渐渐理解这一点【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!一个四开间朝南的空间,约5.2米面宽的大横厅作为家庭的活动枢纽非常舒适,厨房-餐厅-客厅连贯的LDK空间本身就很开阔,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!加上南北通透体验就更好了,整个房型卫生间和每个空间都全明,从户型上基本挑不出任何毛病。作为金茂府的大户型重头戏,一打开门就能看到一个非常有气势的玄关,在看到这里的时候销售跟我说:「这一面都是完整交付的」【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!整个玄关柜都被皮质包裹,地台也采用了大理石材质,这个位置在其他楼盘基本都是非交付的,和客厅的电视机背景墙部分结合起来【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!整体感会非常出色玄关柜上也用了发光的石材作为点睛之笔而玄关部分我最喜欢的则是这个进门到客厅的转角部分的处理。与大多数新盘直接用岩板不同,金茂府的整体设计上采用【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!了非常多的皮质,摸起来手感更舒适,而且这个转角还做了特殊的波浪纹理,费时费工,但实际站在这里整个内装的高级感就出来了客厅约5.2米的开间,是一眼就能看到尺度感,对于购买大户型的家庭用户来说,这样一个空间对于家里的小孩,老人的活动都是非常有必要的【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!往另一侧看,则是这个样板间的另一个超级亮点:一个约4.2米宽的厨房U型的厨房设计,洗切配动线非常完整,而且因为空间巨大,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!这里站上3个人也不会显得拥挤厨房的开窗非常大,之后业主在厨房不会感觉到一丝的局促作为一个真的会下厨的人,看到这个厨房实在是爱不释手2个单独的冰箱,是标配【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!灶台背后用的是完整岩板,方便入住后的打理清洁【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!打开柜子后,对于转角处理,都安装了转角拉篮,确保每一个空间的利用以后餐边柜的位置还能做西厨的部分,让整个居家烹饪的场景更为完整再往里走又到了我很喜欢的一个位置空间,金茂在客卫门口放置了一个可以未来设计成小洗衣区的空间【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!,这个位置是家里几个卧室和卫生间出来的必经之路,作为一个家庭中央枢纽,放置和清洗脏衣物的动线最为合理,而且又能让阳台完整的回归生活,又是一个深得我心的设计【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!而不管是客卫还是主卫,这一次都大幅升级了他们的标准卫生间的整个台面空间都是皇家白玉的大理石,而且在这个卫生间里你也能看到金茂一直在坚持的「不留卫生死角」所有的龙头都是壁挂式的,让台面更好清洁【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!所有的马桶也必须是悬浮式的,让扫地机器人都能通行并且你也会发现,金茂府现在也都标配了侧面的吉博力的马桶按钮,更方面使用这里的每一个细节都是在未来生活中你会无时【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!无刻感受到便利性的,但可以全做到的房企缺少之又少再回到卧室,基本每一个卧室金茂都放置了标准尺寸的床,让大家能看到以后真实生活的尺度场景,主卧的空间非常阔绰,【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!未来业主自己还可以把衣柜做成L型的增加储物空间这样尺度的主卧必然也要配带淋浴+浴缸的主卫看完这个样板间之后,我就在回想,大小户型之间的差异到底在哪里?除了空间以外,这次金茂府在每个空间的硬装材料上,都做到了升级我拍了一个木质门的细节图,能看到和普通木【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!门的区别是做了大量的压纹,摸起来和看起来质感都比光滑的木质门出色很多,而且他和全屋的木饰面都是统一设计元素的再比如全屋的地面和墙面,你能看到大理石或者瓷砖,岩板的地方,全部都用了大规格的版本,大户型的气势一下子就起来了。【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!2享宝山核心价值高地、价格洼地中环金茂府未来潜力无限中环金茂府丰富生活配套「中环金茂府」位于宝山区南大板块,项目坐落于南大智慧城,未来宝山四大核心发展地区之一!【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!未来中环金茂府附近生活配套相当丰富!【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!配套能级目前还在不断升级打造中,非常值得期待!丰翔路+南大双TOD超70w方规划丰翔路TOD综合体,规划商办体量约35.7万方,集高端购物中心、甲级办公楼、品质住宅于一体,定位打造上海购物中心新旗舰。(信息来源于宝山丰翔路项目规划至扩初阶段建筑设计招标文件)【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!南大路站TOD综合体,规划体量约32.2万方,将建设250米摩天大楼,引入高端品牌酒店,打造北上海门户地标。【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!(信息来源于区规划资源局)效果图,最终以实际交付为准TOD将提供一个集交通、居住、办公、商业、文化、教育等多功能于一体的高效、集约、舒适、绿色的复合型城市空间【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!,而在南大板块,这是双倍的TOD空间配套!上海科创中心主阵地南大智慧城根据上海政府的 2035规划,南大智慧城定位为上海市科创中心主阵地的核心承载区。(信息来源于上海2035规划)未来南大将以“科创”为总抓手,围绕“3+5产业体系”布局,重点发展总部经济、数字经济、流量经济三大业态,积极培育生物医药及合成生物、人工智能、新一代信息技术、集成电路及芯片研发【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!、科技金融五大产业。(信息来源于上海宝山公众号)效果图,最终以实际交付为准生态绿地规划:南大中央公园南大智慧城中央公园项目总建筑面积20万方,将打造水体面积7.8万方、绿化面积约8.7万方、建筑占地约0.5万方的一个融合自然、科技、文化和运动元素的城市综合公园。(信息来源于上海宝山公众号)【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!效果图,最终以实际交付为准南大的绿地建设比例和标准都相当高,结合雨污水系统构建了高标准的排水体系,超过上海市新城区开发最新要求。(信息来源于上海宝山公众号)【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!规划示意图,最终以实际交付为准上师大附中宝山分校预计9月竣工板块内的上海师范大学附属中学宝山分校正在建设中,是一所集教育教学、科学研究、示范引领为一体的上海市实验性示范性高中。上海师范大学附属中学宝山分校是上师大基础教育集团核心校,属上海师范大学附属中学的组成部分,为宝山区所属高中学段办学。【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!继承了上师大附中的教育理念和优良传统,为学生提供优质的教育资源和教学环境。(注:教育设施与社区间的招生对应关系以当地政府教育主管部门确定为准,开发商对此无法控制)效果图,最终以实际交付为准当前价格洼地,南大潜力价值无限南大智慧城可以说得上是目前上海的潜力板块,距离市区近,靠近普陀、静安,交通发达、超高规划能级潜力无限。【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!当前南大还处于价格洼地阶段,地铁仅2站的桃浦板块新房均价已超过8.3w,纵观全市中环附近板块,南大依旧是当之无愧的价格洼地!【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!历经十年规划打造,如今6.3平方公里的南大智慧城已位于全新历史起点,包括金茂在内多家头部央企同时选择布局于此,产业资源加速导入、配套设施不断完善、板块正快速走向成熟,发展潜力还是非常大的。(信息来源于上海宝山公众号)鸟瞰实景,仅供参考[Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! "Friendly tips: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" From the 1.0 era of ground source heat pump capillary network "breathing house" to the 2.0 era of 12 major science and technology system "thinking house", JinMaofu has been far ahead in terms of product power.With excellent product force, let Daning Jinmao House, western suburb Jinmao House and other technology housing become the region to improve the ceiling at the same time, but also let Jinmao House brand ability to become the industry leader ~Recently, Jinmaofu 3.0 "natural growth community" East China's first work - Central JinMaofu first opened to the market, [Baoshan Central Jinmaofu] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential! Blow up the market!Reality pictureWith live scenes:[Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!Gold Central South Great Smart CityJinmaofu technology housing 3.0"Central Jinmao Mansion" phase IIBuilding surface about 100-168-193-228㎡3-4 roomsA total of 164 unitsThe sixth lot is already on the marketThe average price is 68,000 /㎡100&168 flat model rooms have been opened, online booking in advance [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!Full set of apartment plan exclusive debut: [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!Big male brother see Shanghai property market, Like 5[Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!1The first Jinmao 3.0 government technology residence has been comprehensively upgradedJinmao's unique technology housing patent is difficult to copy,"Central Jinmao Mansion" stands on the shoulders of giants to upgrade again! [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!The actual picture of the project is for reference onlyUpgrade 12 major technology systems +5 balance system!As we all know, Jinmao is a research and development innovator who introduces technology into the residential field, and the 12 major technology systems have always been one of the biggest highlights of Jinmao House.Jinmao released the government 3.0, they upgrade the science and technology system again and innovation, starting from the nine dimensions of "one nuclear four United States two supporting two services", will have a 15-year history of the punch product [Baoshan Central Jinmao House] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! Department of products for a comprehensive upgrade. Bring a comprehensive ahead of the market balance temperature, humidity, oxygen, balance, balance five balance living experience.Temperature: indoor four seasons like spring, winter temperature is about 20-22°, summer about 24-26°, a set of thin is enoughHumidity balance: indoor to maintain about 30%-70% of the human body more comfortable humidity, to protect sensitive muscles, respiratory healthOxygen: 24-hour fresh air filtration, no need to open Windows, air filtration into the household, [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential! Breathe fresh air all the timeBalance: the end of the water treatment system, the maintenance of domestic water cleanBalance and quiet: system noise reduction, heat insulation, to ensure quiet and comfortable owners sleep wellSchematic diagram, for reference only"Central Jinmao Mansion" as Jinmao Shanghai Government 3.0 first work, set the ultimate intentions, [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! Ingenuity, innovation and innovation in one, will bring more comfortable and higher-end technology living experience for future owners.Schematic diagram, for reference onlyIt is worth mentioning that the capillary network radiation system is fully upgraded - to achieve indoor spring all year roundThrough the ground source heat pump + the whole house capillary network, the indoor year-round to maintain a relatively comfortable temperature of the human body [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! Whether it's hot or cold outside, it's always spring at home.Real scene diagram, for reference onlyThe newly upgraded capillary mesh is not only laid on the top floor, but also inside the walls, making temperature regulation faster and more efficient. [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!Schematic diagram, for reference onlyInstead of laying the thickness of floor heating, "Central Jinmao Mansion" creates a higher height than the same level products, and the height is about 3.1 meters, which has a more open indoor space.The truly advanced configuration can only experience its unique comfort after the actual stay!According to the old owner of Jinmao Mansion, as a chronic rhinitis patient, [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! Since living in JinMaofu, rhinitis has never recurred, such a development enterprise that really considers the owner's health should be the only one in Shanghai!Upgrade to create a high-end luxury club!As the first show of Jinmao House 3.0 in Shanghai [Baoshan Central Jinmao House] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! Innovation and upgrading in the creation of public areas! New high quality club ultra high configuration! It has built a high-end sunken clubhouse with a construction area of about 1500 square meters.Take a look at the clubhouse:The actual picture of the project is for reference onlyMeet the eye of the high-end luxury black gold color simple atmosphere [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential! Bulgari's same bar will pull the entire club's high-level sense of style full!The actual picture of the project is for reference onlyThe actual picture of the project is for reference onlyCopper metal spiral staircase dream back to "flowers", such a high-style club on the standard 5000w luxury house community is unparalleled!The actual picture of the project is for reference onlyCommunity club contains indoor heated swimming pool, gym, yoga room, central negotiation area and children's play area and other leisure sports space, and most of the developer club outsourcing, [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) to seize low-density housing! Jinmaofu club is operated by the property and not open to the outside world, more matching to improve the private needs of customers, strength pet powder!Project club renderings, the final subject to actual deliveryProject club renderings, the final subject to actual deliveryNot only that, Jinmao Mansion 3.0 is a "naturally growing community" as the theme, the center of the club has created a sunken water-light courtyard, integrated with the surrounding buildings, the original stone wall and the official sales office of [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) to seize low-density housing! Natural bonsai made by Chinese tallow trees are interwoven with them. When night falls, sky, water, and light complement each other, presenting a romantic and tranquil natural landscape atmosphere.Project club renderings, the final subject to actual deliveryUpgrade the community higher aesthetic!Jinmaofu 3.0 system is not only the core upgrade of science and technology, "Central Jinmaofu" in the overall aesthetic and social functions of the community, a strong upgrade!The introduction of elegant luxury style for the first time, the introduction of a better appearance level, more powerful "four American community" [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! .Project renderings, final subject to actual deliveryUpgrade the facade style!Different from the stone + glass facade of the previous Jinmao Mansion in neoclassical style, the facade of "Central Jinmao Mansion" is more modern! More in line with the current young people's aesthetic! [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!Will use the classic combination of glass window + aluminum plate + paint, combined with fine lines and local design, to form a more simple atmosphere, light and soft, full of style of high-quality fashion facade effect. [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!Project renderings, final subject to actual deliveryUpgrade the public landscape and garden creation!Jinmaofu 3.0 product design will integrate more high-end hotel design concepts, [Baoshan Central JinMaofu] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential! From the entrance of the community to the entrance court, it runs through the community step by step to create a high-level aesthetic atmosphere of the community.Project renderings, final subject to actual deliveryFor example, the five-star hotel-style home to highlight the sense of ceremony and dignity, "Central Jinmao House" adopts asymmetric design aesthetics, and has achieved a higher dimension of pedestrian and vehicle entrance, and stronger security [Baoshan Central Jinmao House] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential! .The actual picture of the project is for reference onlyGarden to create a sense of quality, holiday atmosphere to create, stacked water landscape + different height of vegetation laying, the community four seasons landscape is colorful, for every owner into the community garden to provide a visual feast ~ [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!Project renderings, final subject to actual deliveryUpgrade social feature richness, security!"Central Jinmao Mansion" taking into account the social function of the community, in some of the buildings designed an elevated floor, to provide more social leisure sports space for people of all ages, [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! The elderly and children in the family can walk and play without going out of the community, which not only reflects the functional richness of the community, but also ensures the safety of the family.Project renderings, final subject to actual deliveryFull marks of hardcover details, highlighting Jinmao mansion geneAt the door of the model room, after seeing the layout of the model room with a construction area of about 168 square meters open this time, you will gradually understand this point from the design of the house [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) to seize low-density housing!A four-room south facing space, about 5.2 meters wide large hall as a family activity hub is very comfortable, kitchen - dining - living room connected LDK space itself is very open, [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) to seize low-density housing! Plus the north and south transparent experience is better, the whole room type bathroom and every space are fully bright, from the house type basically can not pick out any problems.As a big house of Jinmao Mansion, a door can see a very impressive entrance, when I see here sales told me: "This side is complete delivery" [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!The whole porch cabinet is wrapped in leather, the floor is also made of marble material, this location is basically non-delivery in other real estate, and the living room of the TV background wall part of the combination [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential! The overall feel will be excellentLuminous stone was also used on the porch cabinet as a finishing touchMy favorite part of the entrance is the treatment of the corner part that enters the living room.Unlike most new plates directly with rock panels, the overall design of Jinmao Mansion adopts [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential! A lot of leather, feel more comfortable, and this corner also made a special wave texture, time-consuming work, but actually standing here the entire interior of the advanced sense came outThe living room of about 5.2 meters, is a sense of scale can be seen at a glance, for the purchase of large family users, such a space for the family's children, the elderly activities are very necessary [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!Looking to the other side, there is another super highlight of the model house: a kitchen that is about 4.2 meters wideU-shaped kitchen design, washing and cutting distribution line is very complete, and because of the huge space, [Baoshan Central Jinmaofu] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential! It won't be crowded with three people standing in hereThe opening window of the kitchen is very large, and the owner will not feel a bit cramped in the kitchen afterwardsAs someone who really knows how to cook, I couldn't put it down2 separate refrigerators, is the standard [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential!Behind the stove is a complete rock board, convenient for cleaning after staying [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing!After opening the cabinet, for the corner treatment, the corner pull basket is installed to ensure the utilization of every spaceIn the future, the position of the side cabinet can also do the western kitchen part, so that the whole home cooking scene is more completeFurther inside and I like a location space, Jin MAO placed a space that can be designed into a small laundry area in the door of the customer Wei [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density housing! This location is the only way to come out of several bedrooms and bathrooms in the home, as a central hub of the family, placing and cleaning the moving line of dirty clothes is the most reasonable, and it can make the balcony complete return to life, and it is a design that won my heart. 400-960-1817 (developer 24-hour hotline) Grab low-density housing!Both guest and main guards have significantly upgraded their standards this timeThe whole countertop space of the bathroom is royal white jade marble, and in this bathroom you can also see that Jin MAO has been insisting on "leaving no sanitary dead corners".All the faucet are wall-mounted, so that the table is better clean [Baoshan Central Jinmao Mansion] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) to seize low-density residential!So must all toilets【宝山中环金茂府】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)抢占低密度住宅!
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